A world where adults, teens and kids listen to their inner authentic wisdom and body to achieve ultimate health and wellness through simple tools for the mind and body.
Through teaching movement and simple mindfulness in elementary schools through high school and colleges, to parents at home and corporate leaders and staff we raise people’s level of awareness into their identity as unified and connected. As a result, we will have a better society, stronger marriages, thriving and productive businesses, as well as a generation of happy children, teens, and adults.
Mindfulness allows you to step back from your own judgments and see situations in a new way.
Helping others is important and still very much needed, but it is critical to FIRST put on our own “oxygen mask”.
so is everything around us
When I learned the Universal Law of Energy, it profoundly changed my understanding of health.
Office: 222 S Worthy Dr. Glendora, CA 91741
Phone: (626) 825-5029